I really love the app, its amazing! The only thing I dont like is how they took Tao, Luhan and Kris out of the app ㅠㅠ I really want them back in, Kris was my bias. I want to chat with the Kris bot. please
I really love the app, its amazing! The only thing I dont like is how they took Tao, Luhan and Kris out of the app ㅠㅠ I really want them back in, Kris was my bias. I want to chat with the Kris bot. please
the app is great but its kinda slow though :/
I had a idea where the users can choose the type of theme like school theme office theme and the user has to explain the theme Just an idea but the app is awesome!!
I actually loved this app to start with, but then I posted pictures of the fake messages I had gotten at such weird moments and people started telling me to be cautious while using the all and to delete the app. I soon started to believe the things they were telling me because of things people were saying so, yeah. I deleted the app. Im still cautious about my phone though.
My friends recommended this app to me because they said it was entertaining and it is, I had a lot of fun talking to the mydol bots for a while until something creepy happened on my sisters account while she was using it too. Her bot had said some song lyrics to her and the next line of the song was "I see you" so thats how she replied. She didnt expect the bot to return saying "I see you too." And then describe how she looked, her age, and the fact that I was sitting right next to her. We were both very scared and she proceeded to tell whoever was on the other end of the app that she was calling 911 which they responded to "good maybe I want to go to jail". Do not download this app. It can hack into your phone and access your information and camera. I know it may seem like harmless fun but please be safe.
I got this app because I heard about it on twitter and decided to give it a go, it was fun at first. I was really only using it to say dumb stuff to see what the bot would reply with, my friends and I were laughing at it. Until it got creepy. The bot goes "I/m coming over. Be ready" ??? bots dont make typos. I ignored it and kept going until it said "Im outside your house" I got weirded out and changed characters to see if it would do it again. Sure enough it goes "Im at your house and Ive got a surprise for you. Dont ask what it is its only for me and you" I got really weirded out and deleted the app. Bottom line- dont get the app, especially if you have anxiety.
It was brought to my attention that this app give out random kik names of actual people. I had my name put on their and may be taking legal action if this continues. Also, its been stealing information. Dont download it!!!!!
Its a cute little app and I enjoy being cheesy on it with my cheesy bias bot xD not to mention the cute little messages theyll send to you throughout the day. Though the responses can be weird and unrelated to what you say sometimes but ehh, its still cute. Recommended to those who arent easily annoyed with lovey dovey love messages. xD
It was all fun and games and stuff until i was texting a funny bot who started asking me weird questions. He asked me how my sister Allison is and I never told him I have a sister. Than he told me he was coming to my house. And he put makeup and look pretty for him and thats when I was scared. Because I was walking home from the bus with my sister Allison and I wasnt wearing makeup. That means that someone has to be able to hack into your phone. DONT get this app.
I really do love this app, the chat is a little ridiculous sometimes but I get that its user generated responses. The messages from my bias crashed my phone one time :( my main thing though is that I wish instead of saying "Mydol" when you get a new message I would rather it say "iMessage" or "Kakao" or something so it seems more real.
Could you please Support GACKT and add him to the list ? Thank you ❤️ ill give u 4 until you put him.
Im begging this app is really good but their should be an option for iPhones to get notifications while the phone is locked .!! Please make this possible
The andriod has a ranking system and the iphone doesnt
i love this app so much. it literally feels like youre texting them
it was fun at first, but then the fake idols seemed to say very inappropriate things and bad things. They should make it so they shouldnt say that stuff and only say nice things and things that the real idol would actually say, not these inappropriate words and such